Monday 5 November 2018


Normal Probability Curve
This bell shaped curve is called as the ‘Normal Probability Curve’. Thus the “graph of the probability density function of the normal distribution is a continuous bell shaped curve, symmetrical about the mean” is called normal probability curve.
In statistics it is important because:
(а) It is the distribution of many naturally occurring variables, such as intelligence of 8th grade students, height of the 10th grade students etc.
(b) The distribution of the means of samples drawn from most parent populations is normal or approximately so when the samples are sufficiently large.
Therefore normal curve has great significance in social sciences and behavioral sciences. In behavioral measurement most of the aspects approximates to the normal distribution. So that Nor­mal Probability Curve or most popularly known as NPC is used as a reference curve. In order to understand the utility of the NPC we must have to understand the properties of the NPC.

Characteristics of Normal Probability Curve
Some of the major characteristics of normal probability curve are as follows:
·         The curve is bilaterally symmetrical.  The curve is symmetrical to its ordinate of the central point of the curve.  It means the size, shape and slope of the curve on one side of the curve is identical to the other side of the curve.   If the curve is bisected then its right hand side completely matches to the left hand side. 
·         The curve is asymptotic.  The Normal Probability Curve approaches the horizontal axis and extends from-∞ to + ∞.  Means the extreme ends of the curve tends to touch the base line but never touch it. 
·         The mean, median and mode.  The mean, Median and mode fall at the middle point and they are numerically equal. 
·         The Points of inflection occur at ± 1 Standard deviation unit.  The points of influx in a NPC occur at ± 1σ to unit above and below the mean.  Thus at this point the curve changes from convex to concave in relation to the horizontal axis. 
·         The total area of npc is divided in to ± standard deviations.  The total of NPC is divided into six standard deviation units. From the center it is divided in to three +ve’ standard deviation units and three —ve’ standard deviation units.  Thus ± 3σ of NPC include different number of cases separately. Between ± 1σ lie the middle 2/3rd cases or 68.26%, between ± 2σ lie 95.44% cases and between ± 3σ lie 99.73% cases and beyond + 3σ only 0.37% cases fall. 
·         The y ordinate represents the height of the normal probability curve.  The Y ordinate of the NPC represents the height of the curve. At the center the maximum ordinate occurs.  The height of the curve at the mean or mid point is denoted as Y0.  In order to determine the height of the curve at any point we use the following formula:
·         It is unimodal.  The curve is having only one peak point. Because the maximum frequency occurs only at one point. 
·         The height of the curve symmetrically declines.   The height of the curve decline to both the direction sym­metrically from the central point. Means the M + σ and M — σ are equal if the distance from the mean is equal. 
·         The mean of npc is µ and the standard deviation is σ.  As the mean of the NPC represent the population mean so it is represented by the µ (Meu). The standard deviation of the curve is represented by the Greek Letter, σ. 
·         In normal probability curve the standard deviation is the 50% larger than the q.  In NPC the Q is generally called the probable error or PE.   The relationship between PE and a can be stated as following:
1 PE = .6745σ
1σ = 1.4826PE
  • The average deviation about the mean of npc is .798σ.  There is a constant relationship between standard deviation and average deviation in a NPC. 
  • The model ordinate varies increasingly to the standard deviation.  In a Normal Probability curve the modal ordinate varies in­creasingly to the standard deviation.   The standard deviation of the Normal Probability Curve increases, the modal ordinate decreases and vice-versa. 
Image result for normal probability curve
FIGURE1. Normal Probability Curve

TABLE 1. Merits and Demerits of Npc

Accurate For Large Class

Not Good To Use For Small Class
Above 200 Students
Less than 200 Students







Thursday 25 October 2018



DATE :- 22 /10 /2018 to 24 /10/ 2018                    Time :- 10.00 am to 4.30 pm
Report of ICT Workshop
As a part of M.Ed curriculum,we conducted a 5 day ICT workshop.Program was inaugurated by respected HOD Ampili mam facilitated by our beloved Professor Dr.K.Sajan.The programme was a huge successful one. students participation  is enhanced in this programme vidhu vijayan explains about photoshop and its various usages.Even though we had a very little knowledge on computer applications we could do all the works in a better way.From this workshop we got a good awareness about computer softwares and applications.Each day was very interesting and informative.Following are our works done on this workshop: conduct an ICT workshop. In this ICT Worksop  we learn more about ICT programs related to educational purposes. I hearty thank you sir to give me the confident and positive support..

HARI ,MANU & ARJUN……………………..

ICT workshop inspires Creative thinking and develop the stimulates collaboration and interaction among peers.It helps to expand learning horizons..It is too useful for our bright future… Thank you so much Sajan Sir.. for your effort..  It will help us to know more about the           ICT in education field.  iam very proud to be here it is very helpful to teching. introduced audio and image editing appsveryIt will help us it knoit  provide detailed information  about ICT Introduced about google apps. To enhance ICT literacy and confidence among teachers. it help us to Know to do our academic work and we familiarise   with different application  It is useful for the improvement of technical knowledge of the student. the goal of these training was to enable teachers to be sufficiently prepared,confident and competent in making full use of the benefits of these wonderful facilities in and out of the is very useful for us to acquire more knowledge about ict. The workshop was very useful to us. It is very interesting and informative. Am sure it will help us in future for doing our best.Thank you sir for your great support. Making acquaintance with various applications google provided   PREPARING A WORD DOCUMENT
    This takes us half a day to prepare a word document and converting it to a apa format.we were very sure about this work that this will be very useful for our future academic works especially during our dissertation completion.our Professor Sajan sir helped us a lot in correcting each sections and clarifying our doubts.It helps the students to develop all skills.
    Preparing a powerpoint was quite interesting include images,videos etc. made it interesting and creative.this gave us a wide understanding about presenting a powerpoint
editing image,audio file and video files:our recorded audio was edited using audacity software and video files was also edited using suitable softwares such as video cutters.Images are also downloaded and then edited.
    An excel sheet was prepared by us according to the guidance of our teacher.we had entered the data such as time taken for each item in a day.also total time taken for each item during  days.
ICT workshop being conducted at NSSTC Ottapalam is a very informative. Things being taught here are very helpful for our future. This helps us to prepare ourselves for the presentation of a good dissertation. The practical works being conducted here helps us to practice and learn things rather than just learning theory. Interesting sessions conducted today was introduction of Audacity the audio editing software and photoshop.

Several Google apps was also introduced in this workshop.
25 students are actively participate in the workshop.. An editing software is presented for them audacity..students are actively involved in the collaborative work for the preparation of workshop report using google docs.Various techniques for preparing each MS office software was provided.This workshop is a good opportunity to brush up the contents practiced before.